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Old 04-15-2010, 09:20 PM
hcv123 hcv123 is offline
Howard Chasser
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: NY
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Default Dibs on the Clemente photo used on his 1956 card

Originally Posted by thekingofclout View Post
Hey Ben...did you pencil me in for the Mick as a kid sitting on the pony snapshot?

Actually my sister and I started the process over the Holidays just several months ago. She is a paralegal/legal secretary and has been working on my will for the last couple of months. She and my oldest daughter will be the co-executors with instructions that a few of my friends will each get something from my collection that I have already selected and has a special meaning that connects me with the chosen friend as well as a letter I've written to each friend on why I chose that particular piece to go to him.

After that, my three children can each choose a couple of pieces (must be approved by the executors) to keep as family heirlooms.

The rest to auction with my two daughters getting the majority of the proceeds and my son receiving a small portion (the same will be for my life insurance, 401k and other investments). In my culture, the daughters are taken care of and since there is no family business to look out for, my son will have to do as his father did in order to his ass off his entire life!

Also, any special request offers from board members can be made at anytime and sent along to Don't forget to include your contact info (your email as phone numbers tend to change far too often) and specific item/items you are interested in. All requests will be logged, filed and stored with my executors.

I am completely serious about this. Although it may sound morbid or even a bit humorous, getting my will done right is a top-priority for me.

And to answer the questions that just might be on minds of a few of you guys... my health!

I already have one heart attack in the book, so along with having heart disease, I still need to drop 30 pounds. I don't smoke or drink, nor do I do drugs. Cancer claimed both of my parents and my grandfather succumbed to diabetes. My brother also has it.

Other then that, I feel pretty good and will turn 52 this July. I think that just now, more than a few of your ears shot up like a German Sheppard when he hears something that goes bump in the middle of the night!

Alright fellow board members, that's what I have planned for how my estate will unfold once the inevitable happens.

Marshall and Henry will serve as advisers to the executors on which offers to accept/decline or to counter-offer. Auction Houses have all ready been preselected as well.

Sincerely, Jimmy
Hey Jimmy,

Write me down for the Clemente photo used on his 1956 card. Would be a true highlight in a pretty incredible Clemente collection. That said, I'd prefer that I get to read about it and see it from time to time on these boards for a long time to come.

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