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Old 04-14-2010, 01:49 PM
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thekingofclout thekingofclout is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Default Very Good question Mike and should be given a lot of thought by all.

Originally Posted by Forever Young View Post
I actually just itemized all of my items 100 dollars or more(2009); marked down what I paid(rough date) and the current market value in my mind. I have scans of everything on a mini zip drive with corresponding numbers as they relate to my spreadsheet. Currently I have it all communicated and willed.
Hey Ben...did you pencil me in for the Mick as a kid sitting on the pony snapshot?

Actually my sister and I started the process over the Holidays just several months ago. She is a paralegal/legal secretary and has been working on my will for the last couple of months. She and my oldest daughter will be the co-executors with instructions that a few of my friends will each get something from my collection that I have already selected and has a special meaning that connects me with the chosen friend as well as a letter I've written to each friend on why I chose that particular piece to go to him.

After that, my three children can each choose a couple of pieces (must be approved by the executors) to keep as family heirlooms.

The rest to auction with my two daughters getting the majority of the proceeds and my son receiving a small portion (the same will be for my life insurance, 401k and other investments). In my culture, the daughters are taken care of and since there is no family business to look out for, my son will have to do as his father did in order to his ass off his entire life!

Sincerely, Jimmy

Last edited by thekingofclout; 04-22-2011 at 09:04 AM.
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