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Old 03-31-2010, 05:24 PM
frank5k frank5k is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 109
Default e 97 briggs galore

having just graded 57 e 97 briggs, the following are for sale [ make offer ] or to trade for other e 97 cards that will fill in my 2 sets on the sgc registry [] the following are available , rossman [2 avail ] ,sgc 30/ steinfeldt [2 avail] sgc 30 / chief meyers sgc 10 / birmingham sgc 10 and a sgc 40 /mc connell sgc 30 and a sgc 10 /durham [4 cards] - 2 sgc 10 cards / sgc 30 and a sgc 40/ doolan sgc 10 / devore [2 cards] both sgc auth, thank you , frank /845/590/6224
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