Thread: Sniping
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Old 01-27-2010, 05:52 AM
timzcardz timzcardz is offline
T!M R10rd@n
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 976

Built in snipe feature is a plus. I have never used a sniping service because in all honesty I am not going to trust someone else, especially someone that I don't know, with access to my login information.

As for a snipe counter for buyers or sellers, I would consider that information privileged and no one but the sniper should know that a snipe has been scheduled. Other bidders have no need to know, nor do sellers. Sellers being happy to know that there will be more bids is not a need, plus I do believe that it creates an added incentive to those tempted to shill, knowing that there are more bids scheduled.