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Old 01-11-2010, 10:45 AM
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jacksons jacksons is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 217

I surprised myself by choosing Mantle. Anyway, here's why:

Ruth: Babe was known to not be able to sit very still, so I'm not sure I could've retained his attention for very long. Also, he never would have remembered my name, so he would've been calling me "kid" the whole time. "Let's go back to my apartment, kid. Dugan's got the bathtub full 'o cold beers and I've got some lady friends a'waitin." No thanks, Bam. Maybe another time.

Cobb: Three drinks into a conversation with the Peach and I would've asked him about that fateful night of his father's "murder". Conversation over, and I would've lost a few teeth.

Robinson: I just don't see this as a two-way conversation. And I think Jackie would be a 1 drink minimum kind of guy.

Mantle: By process of elimination, I settled on Mantle. I think he'd be the most comfortable chatting over a bucket of beers - either fishing, golfing or hanging out at the Copa. Who knows where the night would lead? Maybe to an upstate farm for a deer hunt with Billy and Whitey?

Last edited by jacksons; 01-12-2010 at 07:57 AM.
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