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Old 12-24-2009, 09:08 PM
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DixieBaseball DixieBaseball is offline
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Default Declaration of Independance story

That Dec. of Indep. was bought at a thrift store just a few miles down the road from me. I did not get a chance to see the TLC show, but I wonder if they told the story behind the story ? (That is, the person who also owned that Dec. of Independance and donated to the thrift store, before this gentleman bought it for $2.48?) In case they did not, here is some good reading :

* Amazing that two times this Original copy passed through hands right here in Nashville. I suppose if this guy bought it at a estate or garage sale, then it passed through those folks hands as well, making it 3 parties including the thrift store who let "it" get away !

By the way - Where this doc was found (Donelson) is just a few miles from The Hermitage / Old Hickory Estate of Andrew Jackson.

Happy Holidays,

Collector of Nashville & Southern Memorabilia

Last edited by DixieBaseball; 12-24-2009 at 09:25 PM.
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