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Old 12-16-2009, 07:06 PM
scottglevy scottglevy is online now
Scott Levy
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,730

The exact details are a little blurry....but something very close to this happened:

We bid on two T205 drum cards and were being shown as high bid with the auction closed on one of Legendary screens. I believe that Legendary had a '30 minute' time window for topping bids. Had someone outbid us during the course of that auction which we happened to be carefully watching, I certainly would have placed another bid and possibly several other bids. But it showed us as the winner with the time expired.

I'm unclear as to how Legendary determined that we did not win those lots. Their explanation did not appear to make sense to me and a vague "we had technical problems" that night didn't seem like a very good answer either.

So that is more or less my story.

Last edited by scottglevy; 12-16-2009 at 07:08 PM.
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