Thread: Toughest T206's
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:02 PM
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frohme frohme is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 724
Default Nostalgia World

Hey Donny,

Just visited your site and it brought back memories - specifically Nostalgia World in Memphis. I was in the city from 87-99 and that was one of the the places I'd frequent in as I was collecting from 89-92. I understand they had some problems with the change in the demographics of Summer Ave and were robbed several times, sadly.

Don't know whatever happened to the owner - whose name I can't recall at the moment - or if the store is even still there. I still remember the boxes and boxes of cards and that odd (yet familiar) smell - probably a mix musty cardboard, or the combination of the surrounding machine shops.

Many thanks, and best of luck with T206!
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