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Old 10-29-2009, 12:20 PM
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JasonL JasonL is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: The Eastern Seaboard
Posts: 581
Default Whoa there, Mr. Minatcular!

You're not getting off that easy. Unless I missed it (entirely possible), you didn't explain what made you pull the trigger on this whim...why this card? why this player?
Regardless of the answer - congrats, and welcome to the dark side. Unless you have the needed funds, you may need to switch your screen name away from Mintacular...cuz that grade gets costly very quickly.

My story/nirvanic nightmare:
I have a pair of cousins who played MLB in the 1930s and 40s, and PCL ball into the 50s. Searching for their cards led me into a much deeper exploration of the history of baseball than I had previously been interested in as a yute (see My Cousin Vinny for prounounciation). I started learning about my cousins' careers, as well as the careers of their teammates and other contemporaries. That just led me back further, as I learned that my cousin Lee was chosen to play 3B for the Pirates by their previous thirdbaseman, turned mgr, Pie Traynor. Honus was one of his coaches and then close acquiantances (hello T200 Pitts). All of a sudden I found myself awash in stories of Nap Lajoie being so good that they changed the team's nickname(hello T200 Cleveland and T206 Lajoie with bat), about Lobert's famous horserace (hello T206 Lobert), and totally immersed for a time in the stories of the early NY Giants team (Hello T200 of NY Nats). I grew up a Cubs fan, and that really hurt. But what hurt even more was the fact that since they were one of the premier teams of the early 1900s, they had alot of material to collect! (hello team sets of T200, T201, T205, T206, and T207). Haven't the money to embark on the T202 and T204 just yet, and I may never.

But it is fun. Owning a piece of history is a satisfying feeling. It satisfies a selfish desire to have something that not many people own, it makes me feel closer to the game, and it's also a store of value that I can happily say isn't as destructive to my net worth as other habits or hobbies might be...The most satisfying items for me have stories or research attached to them.

Welcome Aboard!
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