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Old 10-22-2009, 03:42 PM
FrankWakefield FrankWakefield is offline
Frank Wakefield
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Franklin KY
Posts: 2,752

My recollection is that about 20 years ago, or so, I'd find a card I'd been wanting in one of Larry Fritsch's catalogs, an old card. From experience, I knew 2 things, first was that it seemed that many of the cards I'd ordered from him were overgraded, and the second was that it was very easy to return any card I'd bought if I didn't like the condition or anything else about the card. A super easy return policy. He'd have a few cards, from time to time, that I just couldn't find anywhere else. Trouble was that they'd be priced quite a bit beyond what I thought the card was worth... which gets me to the point of just how badly do you desire the card. Too many times I've paid more than I thought a card was worth because I really wanted it. It is a balancing thing... I don't buy or collect a card because I think it is worth "X" dollars, I buy it because I want it. So at some point the card is the thing, not the money. Still, if you don't want the card that badly, then I wholeheartedly agree with that above about not legitimizing the insane BuyItNow prices on eBay.

Years ago I paid $120 for the Sinex T210 series 6 card... at the time I thought the card was worth about $25 to $30. I was annoyed at paying that much for it. I still am. But I wanted the card. And a week after I got it there was no way I'd sell it for $150 or so. Same holds true today. I wanted the card. And paying too much for cards is how I gathered in some that I have. If you're that enamored with the registry thing, then I think you'll eventually pay too much for some cards that you really want. So revive this thread in a couple of months, and let us know which cards you added at inflated prices. I won't ridicule such a purchase, I've been right there with you.
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