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Old 09-18-2009, 10:11 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Default Your turn

I thought I would enlist the aid of fellow Net54 members to help "illustrate" an unpublished article I wrote several years ago about the three E91 sets. In the article, which is posted above with Leon's gracious assistance, I argue that the facial features of players pictured in the majority of the E91A and about half of the E91B set are based either on actual photographs as seen in other contemporaneous card issues, or are at least easily recognizable when comparing the E91 card with another, non-exact match photo of the player, also as seen in other card sets. I have posted images of the complete E91A set, and will post side to side images of three E91's with their 'card buddies' to help bolster my contentions.

And here is how you can help. I strictly did my research based upon the E91's in my possession and the full color card images as shown in the Classic Baseball Card book as is mentioned in the article that was issued over 20years ago. I was able to come up with an index of comparision cards from a variety of issues, which is located at the end of the article, that I believe will prove my theories. But since some of these card issues are uncommon (like the T204's and especially the PC760 Rose postcard issue), and others are from sets that I don't actively collect (like the M116's and Fan Craze issues) I am only able to offer the three comparision cards to post with the article. Thus I will enlist your help in posting scans of any cards from the article's index that you might have so that you can help prove, or heck, disprove, my theories.

I hope you will enjoy this article, and perhaps it will succeed in its purpose of garnering a little respect for E91's, which we all know suffer from a horrible reputation.

Brian Parker

Last edited by brianp-beme; 09-18-2009 at 11:25 PM. Reason: makee much better-like
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