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Old 09-15-2009, 05:59 PM
marcdelpercio marcdelpercio is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 908

I think the bottom line is that the text and image of the card was intended to be identical regardless of the brand advertisement on the back. I believe that any difference in the text or image of the card should rightfully and by definition be considered a "variation" regardless of whether this appears on only one back.

I think the example of the T206 Polar Bear Demmitt and O'Hara cards is perfectly appropriate here. What does it matter whether the "variation" appears on the front or back of the card? These cards appear with only one back advertisement so if the T205 Doc White Polar Bear card is not a variation, it is impossible to assert that the T206 Polar Bear Demmitt and O'Hara are variations.

There are several quite valuable variations in the T205 set that appear with only one back. To those who honestly do not believe that these are legitimate variations, I will generously offer to pay 150% of book value (of the lower priced variation) for all of your copies of these cards. If you truly believe what you are stating, the offers should begin rolling in pretty quickly.
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