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Old 08-12-2009, 02:37 PM
Reginald Marsh Reginald Marsh is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 162

I disagree with Zork. He stated "This shouldn't be on the board. The gentlemanly way to work this out is to inform a moderator or to get your money back and move on. Posting personal info is a bit out of line."

Things like this should be posted so no one else deals with the guy. No disrespect to Andrew but 500 dollars should not get him fuming or upset,
really he should just black ball this dude and never do business with him again.

I have dealt personally with Andrew and he is right on the money when it comes to paying for cards and shipping cards. My gut feeling is the other dude is your typical bullshit wishy washy guy who always finds a way to screw something up with excuses.

My question is why would this guy accept payment and agree to shipping to then change his mind and feel Andrew would not be satisfied? What is wrong with this scenario is the time lost on Andrew's side dealing with the deal.
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