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Old 07-26-2009, 09:14 AM
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frohme frohme is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 724
Default The collecting spirit.

As has always been the case - regardless of the difference between members - the collecting spirit is alive and well on the board. For that, I'm sincerely grateful. In a separate thread, I mentioned needing only 3 cards to complete the T207 set and asked those going to the National to keep an eye out. Since then board members have come forward and offered cards to help push this over the finish line.

The list now stands at just one - Donnelly.

A sincere thank you to Rob D for the Birmingham (I'll get you a good Naps/Cycle replacement!), Bill T for the Nelson (and serious T207 envy), and Robert A for continued support, enthusiasm and a couple of key cards to reinvigorate me when things were really slow. Robert, you're so close as well... keep it up!

I'd like to recognize everyone that has helped out, but there are so many (~75) that have helped out over the last 3+ years. The list below is those of you've I've worked with via the board, and is certainly not complete - apologies if I've left anyone out!

A partial list of "enablers" includes: Scott B, Patrick M, Paul S, Scott G, Dan K, Mike W, Kevin H, Chris S, Brian M, Leon, and last - but never ever least David B... where does he keep coming up with those cards?

Thank you all.
Mike Frohme
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