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Old 06-06-2009, 07:01 PM
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jmk59 jmk59 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 201
Default Saturday Nite Scavenger Hunt is ON! Win OC Subscription.

Scavenger Hunt WON by Dan Bretta at 10:06 pm. A good time was had by all. Wish you were here. :-)

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunt! This is supposed to be fun. I have made a list of items below. The first person to post scans of all items here wins.

The winner gets a one-year subscription to Old Cardboard magazine. If the winner already subscribes, we will work something out by way of extending subscription, substituting back issues or the posters, or he can give his subscription to someone else as a gift.


1) Post a scan of each item. The scan can be something you found online or a scan that you made yourself.

2) The winner is the first person to post scans of all items here. You can post them as you get them or all at once at the end. If this site limits scans per post, then split your scans into multiple posts. The time that your last scan is posted is your entry time.

3) All cards and items must be pre-1940 unless otherwise noted.

4) Some items also require that you post very minimal verification info with the scan, just so it’s clear that the scan meets the item description. Note that the card itself has to meet the requirement, in the event you accidentally misdescribe a card.

5) Include the Item Number from below next to each scan to avoid confusion. Items do not need to be posted in order.

6) If no one has posted all 10 items by midnight Eastern, the winner will be the person with the most items completed by midnight. If more than one person has the same number completed, the winner will be the person that posted the last item earliest.

Finally … it’s supposed to be fun. So crack a beer and have fun, and please keep nitpicking to a minimum. I’m just trying this out.

And with that …. GO!

Item 1: An E card with a yellow or gold background.

Item 2: An OJ (N172, N167, N173) of a player born before 1860 - born in 1860 doesn’t count. (Name player and year of birth)

Item 3: A D card that sold, by itself, for more than $500 in an online auction in 2009. Auctions only, no BST or private sales. Ebay ok if pertinent auction data including date, card and price are still accessible. (Name card, auction and final selling price. May include buyers fees but not shipping to get past $500)

Item 4: A black and white card picturing a New York Giant’s Third Baseman (Name player and set.)

Item 5: A PC of an HOF pitcher (Name player if he is not named on the card.)

Item 6: A cabinet card of a World Series winning catcher (Name set, player and year he won WS and with which team. Card does not have to be from same year or team of WS win – just picture a player that won a WS as a catcher during his career.)

Item 7: A major league player contract. Does not have to be full scan of every page – photos, etc from auctions would be fine. Does not have to be signed. (Name player and team.)

Item 8: A pre-1930 red pennant or flag of a baseball team or player. Close to red is fine, but keep it reasonable.

Item 9: Any image of Cap Anson without a mustache. Must be identified or identifiable – no “I swear he’s the third guy in the back row” entries. OK to go past 1940 on this one. (Name card or image source)

Item 10: Any image of a female TEAM, not individual players.


Edited for clarity Item 2 - added ACC designations for OJ

Last edited by jmk59; 06-06-2009 at 09:24 PM. Reason: To say it had ended.
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