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Old 05-23-2009, 02:25 PM
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Old Mill Man Old Mill Man is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 74

Are your saying there are more Stengel T-210's than Jackson T-210's?I have I believe the(LIST) first batch of T-210 cards I bought I believe it was 125 diff. cards and I still may have that list and in the batch was my first Joe Jackson card as the Stengel card did allude me for sometime.This is something that we could go back and forth on,I am saying it is my opinion that there are less Stengel cards than that of Jacksons and yes it could be of the way a person gets lucky in finding the card.Why was Stengel so difficult for myself with one copy but Jackson was easy (5) copies?I don't know the actaual answer but based on theory that would prove to be a numbers game as scarcity versus popularity.Correct???As for the photo's I wish I had them too but on my list they may be marked off indicating border color I will have to check.As for what Brian has done with the Orange Border list it is good.I agree that these are only ink tone variations and nothing more and why couldn't a T-210 card be found in orange border other than 3,they do exists.Brian maybe you should make a asterisk for Slaven as he has been seen in Yellow,Orange and Red,he has quite the wardrobe

Last edited by Old Mill Man; 05-23-2009 at 02:30 PM. Reason: Spelling
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