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Old 05-19-2009, 10:01 PM
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familytoad familytoad is offline
Br1@n L1ndh0lm3
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ridgefield, WA
Posts: 1,904
Default Great analysis!

I've got to say that this is the type of post that deserves a ton of viewership and an occasional ping to keep it near the top. The analysis of how much BIN costs as opposed to the standard auction format is so "dead on" that maybe there isn't much more to add..

But if for no other reason than to keep an informative post alive, can someone point out the search criteria instructions so that others can do the same ratio comparisons on different price ranges??
I'm interested in ranges both lower than the $200 on listed and much higher...just because I like to debate/discuss/analyze things.

Also, I am a ebay selling neophyte, so does BEST OFFER cost the same as BUY IT NOW? If so that might further explain seller motivation or intention (although we probabaly already know that an unrealistic BIN price is only meant to separate the unknowing from their cash)

Brian L
Ridgefield WA
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