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Old 05-14-2009, 10:13 PM
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Tim Kindler Tim Kindler is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 620
Default More blue backs!

Wow, we are learning more about these mysterious Old Puts. For years, I think it was a widely shared belief that all Old Puts were on Red background E98s. Then the Clarke came along, the Dooin, another confirmed sighting by Leon (Not sure who the player is), and now a Kling and another Dooin! 5total BLUES. As of now it can be said that all Old Puts come with either a Red or Blue background!

I second Bob's comment on the Kling. It sure is a beauty!

I fully understand the gentleman who owns these 3 new Old Puts wishing to remain anonymous. But thank you, and thank you Leon, so much for adding to our survey with great scans. It is nice to hear there are more and even nicer to see actual pictures of them.

Rob, Could you post a picture of your Dooin sometime when you get the chance? I have never seen the front before and would love to see this cool card! Thanks, Tim

This gets our current survey up to:
5 Blues
1. Clarke
2. Dooin
3. Dooin
5. ????

11 Reds
1. Chance
2. Cobb
3. Wagner
4. Brown
5. Brown
6. McGraw
7. Young
8. Collins
9. Bresnahan
10. Myers
11. Clarke (missing)

If anyone else has any more imformation, please add to our study. So far we have documented 16 total cards.

Now, If only I had a Blue Old Put!

Tim Kindler
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