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Old 01-27-2009, 11:13 AM
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Default PSA reprint Fro Joy

Posted By: davidcycleback

For those wondering about Paul's PSA Fro Joy, I can testify that Paul knows how to tell the difference between a real and reprint Fro Joy. We have conversed in the past about the very issue, and he is knowledgeable about Fro Joys.

All B & W reprints I have seen were lithographs, while the originals were photoengravings (old time form of printing). As Paul's above pictures show, one can tell the difference with a microscope. There are other naked eye details that identify reprintns, for example the black line box on the original is complete, while the lines are often broken on reprints. For black & white examples, a simple check is the back black box. It was Paul who taught me this test.

As already noted, all color Fro Joys are reprints-- no close examination required to determine that.

Of note, there was a boxer Gene Tunney version of the Fro Joys (same except depicting Tunney). These haven't been reprinted like the Ruth. A collector can pick up a Tunney for fun or reference, and I know Bob Lemke once use Tunney cards as a reference when writing an article about the Ruth fakes.

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