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Old 03-06-2009, 08:14 PM
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Default (don't jump in on because it's political) Jim Bunning (on BB HOF'ers vs. politicians)

Posted By: Cat

It's frustrating to see the disconnect people have with what is going on. The stock market is forward looking so it would seem that there is little faith in the presential administration/House/Senate's direction. Along with everything else, we should be talking about the underfunded defined benefit retirement plans all across America. If you believe you have a retirement plan, you may not - at least to the level you think. We have to act now because we quickly have to figure out who to blame. The present presential administration/House/Senate may not own the economy but they own the stock market downturn. Some Americans may have "hope" but the stock market apparently does not. When people figure out that their retirement plan has been creamed, who will they blame? I would bet they will blame their employer - not the present anti-business/big government policies.

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