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Old 02-12-2009, 10:57 AM
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Default Bud Selig thinking of reinstating Aaron as HR king

Posted By: Erick Lewin

Talk about pandoras box...

Think about this: If he was to do this, shouldn't he have to void the results/ outcome of every single one of Bonds games, as well as any other known steroid user? People only think of the personal records and accomplishments. But, outcomes of every single game for every team for the past 15-20 years may have been skewed by a hit that someone got while useing PED's. Or a strikout that some juiced up closer got to end a game against a clean hitter.... Every single team has had and I'm sure still has at least a few people using PEDS.

Here's the kicker....They still don't test for HGH! For all we know maybe 60-80% of guys in MLB are using HGH, or some similar complex, or new cutting edge undetectable substances.

It is my belief that we have now entered the "Steroid AGE". No longer should we refer to the "steroid era" as a thing of the past that we are emerging from. I'm sad to say that I think there are always going to be some cheaters and that the drug technology will always be a few steps ahead of the testing technologies.

As for Selig:

Selig is a clown making ridiculous money. He's nothing more than a puppet for the owners and the media. He never opened his mouth when business was good. Baseball people should get together, out this guy and hire a new commisioner. Also, restructure the commisioner office and give the newcomer actual power, and hire someone with firm convictions other than money. Just as they did with Landis back in the day.

E. Lewin

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