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Old 02-09-2009, 09:34 AM
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Default Holloway Sucker Stamp - Exhibit Card

Posted By: Todd Schultz

The non-sports guys might be able to chime in about the Holloway Co., as it issued a few airplane and adventure sets back in the day. The Company was out of Chicago, and is responsible for some of my fondest childhood memories and one scary memory, as it made both Milk Duds and an all-day sucker, the Slo Poke (for those that remember, they also made the Black Cow, which was basically a slo poke dipped in chocolate). I once lost two teeth on one slo poke. The candy was real hard, again, meant to last a long time, and when I wrestled with it, I lost a tooth, then later, on the same walk back home, I pulled it out with a molar still stuck in the caramel. Scared the beejeezus out of me--thought they were all going to come out.

As for card collecting, I always wondered if this was the type of caramel that accompanied any of the E cards, or if instead those carmels were more chewable.

EDITED TO AD: seems I'm the Slo Poke, as Ed and Leon already uncovered the candy made by Holloway.

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