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Old 10-10-2008, 01:54 PM
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Default The Death of Direct Sales

Posted By: LetsGoBucs

Question for Obama Supporters
Does the association with Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers Bother you and how do you get past it?

Well, I'm not 100% sure I'm voting for Obama. But the Bill Ayers association seems to me to be very flimsy. Any politician attends all kinds of meetings (goes with the territory). There is no indication of any association outside those meetings save one event hosted by Ayers. Should Obama not have allowed it? Yes. But everyone makes mistakes.

Rev Wright to me isn't an issue. As someone else pointed out, he grew up in a very different time in this country. I don't agree with his preachings, but I very much believe religion to be a private matter and I don't believe that you can take sermons and ascribe them to those that worship.

I think I'm voting for Obama because: 1. We need a change in direction. 2. He has a chance to be an excellent president. 3. Clinton tried to socialize health care and failed and then moved to the center - I hope a similar type thing happens with Obama. I think that he actually doesn't have too many real beliefs - just an agenda to become president. I'm not voting for McCain because I think it will be more of the last 4 years with nothing getting done and spending continuing out of control. Have to go with the potential upside.

In regards to Palin. Why call her a lightweight or a right wing crazy? She seems to be an intelligent person to me. She has definate beliefs (wouldn't it be nice if more of our politicians had principles?). I have no problem with people attacking her experience or her record, but why does it have to get personally negative. Lets keep in mind that we've had some reasonably successful presidents that weren't Phd's - Truman, Roosevelt, Reagan, Jackson....and personally I'd like a president that would use common sense, respect and principles to govern. Even if they don't agree with me on all issues.

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