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Old 08-12-2008, 12:06 PM
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Default Careful! Ebay hackers are at it again

Posted By: Bob

This was a new one for me. During the final 10 minutes of an ebay auction on Sunday night, the listing for the card disappeared from my "My Ebay." I know a lot of us use My Ebay to follow cards so I give this word of warning. My first guess was that there was a late sale of the card and the card was removed from ebay. Frantically I began searching for the card in case My Ebay had a glitch as all the other cards, including a T207 Rassmuson from the same seller were still showing. I had forgotten that I had a snipe set on the particular card, a T207 Fournier, so was trying my best to get a late bid in on the card. I finally found the card (can't even remember how), but it showed I won. I thought something looked strange because although the web page looked identical, the seller feedback was 96.4 and I don't usually buy with a feedback that low. Well, to make the story short, I clicked on the "Pay Now" button and thank goodness this time I used I would send a check instead of using Paypal. Everything seemed fine, I addressed my envelope, wrote my check and got ready to send it in the morning. The next morning I couldn't get on ebay, my password had been changed. I checked my emails and saw that there were 6 emails from ebay indicating transactions were null and void and removed from ebay. the first 5 were T210s I had won, paid for, received recently and feedback left. The last one was the T-207 Fournier. I then got an email from paypal saying that my attempt to access my Paypal account had been denied.
This guy had stolen my ebay password then tried to get in to my Paypal account. I immediately changed my ebay password, email password, paypal password but it took 3 hours. I immediately contacted the seller, booksnbeaches, and told her. She was as surprised as I was but thanked me for letting her know and also told me she wondered what had happened since I had purchased cards in the past from her without any problem. I looked on the completed T207 Rassmusson web page which berkut had won and noticed the seller's feedback was showing 100.
It was all very weird and I am just sharing it so everyone here will be careful. These damn cretins are everywhere! My transaction was able to be completed by the seller and I but I had a lot of hours of anxiety. I can only conclude that the miscreant had somehow duplicated the T207 Fournier web page and made the "Pay Now" button into a phishing tool to steal my password...

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