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Old 11-04-2007, 04:55 PM
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Default O/T A-Rod $350M Contract...R U Kidding Me?

Posted By: Fred C


Now that makes sense... he's got a gazillion dollars but there's two things he doesn't have which Jeter does... Class and a WS RING! Looking for that ring would be a priority to most, finding that "situation" which brings him closer to that goal would/should be any players goal. I bet you could ask a lot of great ex-players that don't have a WS ring what they felt was missing in their careers and that's what they would respond with.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind A-rod being on the home team because he does provide you with that means of getting to the post season. But, at the same time as was mentioned, I don't want to see the $11 beers turning into $25 beers and I'd hate to see the price of admission get jacked up to the point where going to games are the exception and not the rule.

Undeniably, he's one of the greatest hitters of his era and probably all time but in the court of public opinion he lacks vision and he's just "greedy"... oh yeah, that goes for his IDIOT agent also... ok, so now someone can challenge me for calling the most successful sports agent an idiot... sheesh...

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