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Old 09-16-2007, 06:02 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Illiterate ebay sellers

Posted By: Craig H

You guys are not going to like this, but I can confirm about today's parents wanting to be friends with their kids instead of being hard disciplinarians because one of my friends told me that he didn't want to be like his stern father. A lot of my peers that have children appear to have that same attitude. I was born in 1977, so that makes me a Gen X (Y???). I'm not a parent but your positions on children must change when you become one because these guys think that's the right approach. I can remember that when I was a kid I needed a dad that was an authoritative role model--not a best friend. Don't figure on things changing soon if ever.

Bad grammer and composition is like developing bad habits with your golf swing. I worked in sports television for a couple of years and everyone wrote in short cut ("thru" instead of "through"). I knew I'd develop bad habits if I wrote "thru" all the time so I refused to do it. That may be why a lot of people use "your" for "you're." I swear we were taught the right way in school but a lot of my peers don't use it correctly. And I went to public school.

Text-messaging--no doubt has a negative affect. I'm not that hip to be writing in that text lexicon, so I have to write out my sentences.

I regret getting participation trophies--they're taking up space at my parents' house. It was important to have trophies(bigger was always better) when I received them as a child, but as an adult I'd rather have rings or even nothing at all. A championship is priceless.


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