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Old 08-05-2007, 08:57 PM
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Default Bridge collapse in minneapolis...

Posted By: Tom Boblitt

to blame Bush for all the worlds evils......instead of looking where many of these issues really the state level. Granted the government is spending too much money on the war that could be spent elsewhere. No question but maybe Richard Jefferson, the democratic senator, could have taken some of that $90K that was in his fridge and helped shore up some of the levees.....or the Republican senator in Alaska could take some of the supposed bribes he's being searched for and do something about fixing some Alaska problems. Fact is, the WHOLE friggin (sorry Tbob) system is BROKE. PERIOD. Both parties suck and we all pay for it. Graft and corruption is rampant out there. Representative government....HA's not BUSH that's causing us all to worry about terrorism when something like this happens. It's 9-11 and the terrorists who perpetrated that on all of US. DUH.....since that happened (anyone remember 9-11) every time something bad happens we all think that. The government doesn't have to tell us that for us to think that........

Bottom line is that the Minneapolis bridge collapse is a tragedy. Whoever is at fault will not be determined but hopefully all the folks in power in MN and other states can learn something from it. Doubt it though.....

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