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Old 07-13-2007, 11:29 AM
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Default Graders - How much $ do they make?

Posted By: Bob

One of the fastest growing States is Arkansas. A $175,000 house here is comparable to a $850,000 house in California based on several people I have talked to who have moved here. It is a beautiful state, much like Oregon although we are still light years behind Oregon when it comes to being a green state and protecting the environment. Southern states have gotten a bad rap over the years as being red-neck, hillbilly places but I can tell you that racial tolerance has greatly improved over the years and the people here are as kind and hospitable as anywhere you'll find in America. The pace may be a little slower and it takes a while to get used to the drawl but it is a wonderful place to live. The meth invasion has changed what was once a place where you could safely live without much fear of crime and locking your doors and that is a shame and has happened all through the midwest and south. One caveat-it can be a cultural wasteland if you live away from the major cities but sacrifices have to be made. The rivers and streams are fishing paradises and the mountains and trees in the northern and western parts of the state are beautiful. Near Mississippi, in the delta part of the state, things are not quite so beautiful IMHO, but all in all, a very affordable and beautiful place to live, just ask Bill and Hillary...

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