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Old 06-24-2007, 05:01 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Blatant Ebay Shilling

Posted By: Tom

In addition to new users "birdeeeee1" and "niceguylast1" who both seem to be very loyal to "sarge3376" (regardless of what he is selling), "kretschm" has bid on about everything and as a seller hails from "West Palm Beach, FL" just like "sarge3376" so can't help but suspect shilling or some friendly arrangement is in play here. If you look at some of the feedbacks exchanged between these people (birdeeeee1 and kretschm with sarge3376) the BUYER has left feedback 1 or 2 days after the sale which is very rare as usually there is transit time for shipping and such. Of course much harder to tell what is going on with the Cobbs as its hidden mostly but just wanted to share what I found as your discussion had me digging.


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