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Old 06-23-2007, 03:55 PM
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Default O/T Selig Cover-Up of MLB's Role

Posted By: Cy

How about this for justice for Bud Selig?

After Giambi testifies, Selig tries to make Bonds talk. Bonds refuses and Selig suspends him for his negative decision. So now Selig tries to make Bonds out to be a steroid taker and a cheater. Now here is where the fun begins. Everyone who has gone to a ballgame during the strike era, takes out a class action lawsuit against baseball for giving them a fraudulent product and demands all the money back. If steroids were definitely involved, then the game was definitely tainted and people could say that baseball gave them an inferior product, something that they did not pay for.

The beauty of this is now in the lawsuit, Bud Selig would have to take the stand to tell what he knew and when he knew it. That would be real justice. It doesn't matter one bit if the class action lawsuit is won. The great thing is that Bud Selig would have to testify under oath about that he knew.


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