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Old 06-03-2007, 01:43 AM
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Default rebacked hindu Matty

Posted By: Pennsylvania Ted

What does a "wrinkle" have to do with it ?

As you said..........
"My point is that if you cannot alway find a wrinkle when you are specifically asked to look for that,
how can you tell us that you would find a professional rebacking job that both PSA and SGC missed."

Can we raise this discussion to a higher level....we are not talking about "wrinkles or crinkles". We are
talking about T206 fronts with incompatible T-brand backs. The majority of re-backed "fakes", that are
out there, are obvious to me right off the bat. They can be detected by anyonewith a fair amount of
T206 savvy. Most of these fakes have been re-backed by amateurs, who are not sufficiently knowledge-
able on T206's to realize that, that particular front/back combination does not exist.

This was all I was trying to convey with my initial post, reponding to Rob's comment......

"and how can other collectors watch their own back when buying raw to avoid buying a professionally-
rebacked card?"

However, you chose to construe my words in a manner other than what I intended. I guess you have
some subjective kind of problem with me.....because this is not the first time you have tried to tell me
what I am thinking. I do not understand why......anyhow, there are more important things in life......
so I will not even try.

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