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Old 03-20-2007, 05:56 AM
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Default Let's Be Frank, Actually My Name Is Peter...

Posted By: Bill

I think this would be, and could be, a great topic to be discussed on this board. As Kevin stated, going into extreme detail could potentially be harmful as there are always a small few who could use the information for the wrong reasons, understood. However, Kevin coming forth and stating that he would be more than willing to share at least some information is something that I know I, as well as others I am sure, would greatly appreciate. For that, I thank you Kevin.

As far as Jim goes, I really don't understand why you post on the board at all. I come on the board to read threads and learn more about the vintage world, quite a few post great information and knowledge. There are others, however, who seem to be the ones who ruin this board for everybody else. I do not see you posting much on this board. However, the threads I have read, and the posts you make, come off as highly juvenile. Your posts portray yourself as an arrogant person, intent on belittling everyone on here. If you have such a problem with people on this board, why do you bother to come here at all and ruin it for others who like to share their knowledge or are trying to learn about vintage cards? Maybe this is not your intent and you do not believe that you come across this way. However, this is exactly how it sounds.

Change your socks, drink water, and drive on.

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