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Old 01-09-2007, 02:06 PM
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Default The most famous person who actively posts?

Posted By: Ryan Christoff


You're absolutely right about what polarizes this country. As you know, there is a large population of repressed homosexuals who are doing their best to live a "straight" lifestyle, in spite of the bitterness a loveless marriage to a woman they aren't attracted to brings them. Because it is so difficult to completely deny who they really are, they are forced to take extreme views that prove to themselves that they are the opposite of what they truly know themselves to be. This generally comes out in very strong beliefs in issues they otherwise wouldn't care about one way or another, like who someone else sleeps with or wants to marry. It's how one questions whether Tinky Winky the Teletubby is gay or winds up preaching about the sin of homosexuality at Jesus Camp. It's called a Haggardian Paradox, or Falwellian Conundrum and it must be a difficult cross to bear for you, or anyone else for that matter.

To most of us who aren't so confused sexually, it is totally irrelevant who someone else wants to marry. In fact, many of us think that a marriage between consenting adults who love each other sounds like an okay thing. Then again, you are probably right. Marriage really should be between a white protestant male and a white protestant female. I guess you've changed my mind once again.

Also, I couldn't agree with you more about the mass killing of babies. I think you meant to say "newborn" babies, not "unborn" babies. Unborn babies are pretty harmless and quiet. It's the ones that are already born that we should be killing. With their crying and pooping and constant demands for attention. Come on, babies, grow up already!!! This is America, you chubby bald ones (no offense, Bruce) so pick yourselves up by your diaperstraps and learn to take responsibility for your actions like the rest of us. Let's face it, what this country really needs is more baby killing and less gay marrying.

Also, another advantage of killing babies is that a certain percentage of them would have grown up to become gay and want to marry, so we sort of kill two birds with one stone (or however we kill them) when we throw the baby out with the dirty liberal bath water.

Killing babies since 2007,


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