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Old 02-15-2007, 12:58 PM
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Default Yet another popular fake from.. you guessed it, OHIO

Posted By: David Smith

Money, polls and politics don't mix.

Politicians today don't give a damn about the people, only what gets them elected and then re-elected. If the Founding Fathers of this country were anything like today's politicians, America would have never become a country.

American politicians do not use common sense. If they did, then why do they spend sooo much money for a job that doesn't pay very much??

Politicians are whores to business. They use money from Big Business to get elected and then have to remember Big Business when voting for Bills and Amendments. The American people and what is good for the country is forgotten in this process.

Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted a war in the Middle East and they got it. Who profits?? The oil industry and the Defense industry. What sectors of business did Cheney and Rumsfeld come from?? Haliburton anyone...

The levees in New Orleans were known to be susceptible to damage or breaching yet the politicians did nothing about it. There are hundreds of other dams and levees across the country that need repair but our tax money is going to fight wars that never should have been started.

In the Midwest, bridges, highways and overpasses are in danger because the New Madrid fault could rupture and cause a major earthquake, yet the money is not being allocated to update the transportation infrastructure.

I could go on but I get too upset thinking about it.


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