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Old 01-18-2007, 11:43 AM
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Default Top Ten (Tier 1 HOFER's)

Posted By: Steve Parmentier

In 1936, first year HOF ballot was:
1. Cobb
2. Ruth
3. W.Johnson
The baseball writers thought these the 2 best position players and the best pitcher.
4. Lou Gehrig - voted in special early
The next 3 slots go players whose were simply most dominant during their prime.
5. Mickey Mantle - never saw him, but on those old HR derby shows, he hit them harder, further, and more often than all of 'em. MVP awards and Championships, he's got 'em.
6. Koufax - considered God by many
7. Nolan Ryan - how many no-hitters if he pitched on a raised mound like Koufax did? I have complete game video of his 5th no-no in 1981 vs. Dodgers - A curve ball CANNOT get any better! And I hear he had a decent fastball as well.
The next 2 slots go to players I want if I must win a 7 game series.
8. Pete Rose - actually very similar to Cobb in many respects.
9. Stan Musial - Stat guy Bill James has him ranked #1 in MVP award shares.
Last but not least, maybe even first - Satchel Paige.

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