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Old 12-31-2006, 11:22 PM
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Default O/T Reality Check Sad and Insane May be Hung Soon

Posted By: paulstratton

I was there. It is a sh*thole of a place to be sure. It's like taking a step back about 500 years. I think it is similar to Vietnam in that we don't know who the enemy is, but to compare it to a "conflict" where we lost over 50,000 men/women is a little absurd. I'm sure some of you who were around in the 1960's may have a different opinion and I can respect that. We may have lost that battle, but we did end up winning the war in a sense when "Big Red" collapsed.

These terrorists know what our weakness is and they take advantage of it. They know we hate to see our soldiers coming home in body bags. The "shock value" they get from their suicide bombers and IED's is almost too much for us to overcome. Our strategy of "search and destroy" is poor to say the least. It didn't work in Nam and it really doesn't work now.

All that being said, I still think it is worth it. Wouldn't you rather be fighting them over there than over here? Because whether you like it or not they want to fight and they will not stop. It is not about just Iraq here folks. Did we find any WMD's in Iraq? Hell yes we did. Every friggin terrorist we kill is one less WMD in my eyes. Just because we didn't find a silo with a bunch of missiles in it doesn't mean we didn't find anything. I mean if you want to find that sh*t just go to Iran. They would absolutely love for us to pack up and leave. Then what? How long do you think Israel would last after that? It's pretty convenient that Iraq is between Iran and Israel don't you think? What's the REAL reason we are over there? It's pretty clear.

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