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Old 08-16-2006, 02:39 PM
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Default Troubling Auction Purchase

Posted By: Brian Goldner

The auction company decided to call back yesterday (i returned their call today), and offered that i return the items in question, so they could be sent to the involved grading service, to check for evidence of tampering.

Initially i agreed to this, but upon further thought i decided against doing so.

Here is why:

1) IMO, IF resubmitted, the possibility seems remote that the grading service would admit that their holders could successfully be tampered with. And in the event that they reholdered the cards with same grades, i wouldn't be comfortable with them being in anyone's graded collection, including my own.


2) Upon my initial agreement to these terms, the scans of the items in question, seemed to disappear from the auction website. I then attempted to recover scans of other items (some of which i won, and some i didn't), and had no problem recovering any of them.

Strangely enough, after i called them back to inform them of my reconsideration, i went back to the website, and i then had no problem recovering the scans of the items in question.

Would this scenario make you feel uncomfortable?
It sure does me.

In the final analysis, no way do i send back material across state lines, that is in my opinion tampered with, and whose scans would no longer appear on their website.

IMO, that is a recipe for disaster.

No thank you, i'll take the loss.
Thus, i now consider this matter closed.

In closing, thank you everyone for your kind words and concern.
Also, thank you to those who offered advice.
All of it was taken into consideration, in how to approach the settling of this issue.

Best, Brian

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