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Old 12-31-2005, 02:42 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Your all time Top 10 Hitters !!

Posted By: Holstein


I am a member of SABR, but my opinion is not based on reading any posts by SABR members. I acknowledge that my opinion is based on the only information available, inappropriately leaked Grand Jury testimony. As neither I nor any other SABR members (unless they are attorneys for the Government or for Bonds or were members of the GJ) have seen an official transcript, we cannot be sure exactly what Bonds said. However, my opinion is based on media reports of that testimony and observations about Bonds' performance. Hank Aaron has stated to the media that he too has concerns about Bonds' "alleged" use of steroids. I am not sure if Hank Aaron is an SABR member, or if he has read any SABR posts, but he seems to feel that performance enhancing steroids give an athlete an innappropriate advantage when it comes to phsysical recuperation. The Government case against Bonds, as reported by the media, raises very serious questions. Bonds has stated that he had no knowledge that the substances he was using were steroids at the time he took them. That may be true. But if they were steroids, he still had an unfair advantage over other major leaguers who were not taking steroids.

I did not mean to offend you by my comments concerning Bonds. I enjoy reading your posts and consider you a knowledgeable individual. However, I do not believe past alleged behavior by former major leaguers excuses any bad conduct by present major leaguers. In my opinion, baseball is sacred and each transgression must be addressed when it occurs. I want my children to know that baseball will not stand for cheating, in any form. I am sure we will not ever stop cheating entirely, but we make a powerful statement when we confront it directly.


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