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Old 12-20-2005, 11:34 AM
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Default Cuban "Polar" Cards

Posted By: Mike Campbell

I keep reneging on my vow to stop inputting messages regarding this matter. But I received a message earlier today from the e bay seller. It has no bearing on their authenticity one way or the other, I just thought I would pass it along. I have others from him. You will note that he is asking me for the results of my findings. I have not told him any of the results. I simply told him that this issue is up in the air, and that there many skeptics, and rightfully so. I am undecided if I will pass on the results. Just a few minutes ago, I was cleaning my office, and ridding myself of junk that accumulates. I also was searching for a Foxx card I had lost. Found it. I came across the documentation from the paper conservator on this matter. Reread it. Oh well....

Dear , Mike

I haven't been into this , I have a business to take care of . I'm not
owner of the cards, I just being doing a favor for my friend in Cuba. I
think honestly that the cards are authentic, my friend is a good and
men, who has been collecting for many years and have the knowledge, I
understand there are collectors that think the cards are fake, hey,
this is
a free country, they are entitled to have their opinion, I have mine,
have yours, please let me know about the results of your investigation
scientific tests, best wishes

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