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Old 12-02-2005, 06:30 PM
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Default Exceptional Gestures by Others - Share Your Stories

Posted By: Andrew Parks

Just recently I was surprised by the kindness of another board member. I want to share it and ask you guys to post exceptionally touching, kind, and generous stories about other dealers and collectors in an attempt "to lighten up" the board.

Recently a card went for sale on Ebay as a BIN. It was a high dollar card and I wanted it, so I mulled, thought, and looked at every angle to see if I should pull the trigger or not. As I was thinking over a few hours, someone else BINED it before I decided to pull the trigger. I lost my opportunity - my loss.

I e-mailed the winner and shared with him that I really wanted the card and congtaulated him on a great card. I told him if he ever wanted to sell it, to let me know. He wrote me back almost immediately and we started corresponding. He noticed the Matty "thing" I have going and decided to give me an original copy of "Second Base Sloan" FOR NOTHING. I told him he didn't have to do that and thanked him greatly. I told him that I would enjoy reading it to my son, Mathewson, and daughter, Gilles.

Within a week a package came with not only the book, but also, a T3 reprint of Matty for my son and a book with the music for "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" for my daughter. He wrapped them in vintage baseball paper with cards that he personally wrote to each of my children!

I was floored by the kindness and generosity of this collector. He didn't have to do any of this and did so through the kindness of his own heart.

David McDonald's gesture of kindness not only reminded me of the wonderful people who are in this hobby, but the wonderful people who exist in this sometimes cynical and depressing world. My hats go off to him and in the little time I have corresponded with him, I know that he would rather have none of this attention or public "Thank you." Thank you, David! My hat goes off to you!

I would love to read other wonderful stories of generosity that you have experienced!

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