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Old 09-17-2005, 08:47 PM
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Default Best Auction Catalog ?

Posted By: DJ


I think it's a Catch-22. I think the catalog is very vital. In saying that, catalogs are very pricey. You simply can't send them to everyone. You have to have the all-mighty mailing list. Mr. X needs a copy of what you are offering.

How many auction houses decide one day to rival Mastro and fail? I can name a few that made noble attempts. Anyone win anything from Slater's?

I used to buy from an outlet that sent me catalogs on a monthly basis. All of a sudden, NADA. I bought something roughly every other month from this company and now I'm off the mailing list because I didn't buy (I did bid) anything for three months?

Haven't purchased anything from this company in over a year. Oh, plus the owner is a "piece of work" who never contacted anyone personally but had "his assistants" answered all the questions through him.

I also get catalogs for items I don't collect like Train Collectibles, Toys, Comics, Original Stock Certs and I don't know how I got on their mailing lists, but I keep getting them monthly.


In 2001, I made several big purchases from Grey Flannel. I did receive their catalogs for I believe two years but nothing interested me so I won nothing. I'm off their list.

I don't think I've ever won a thing from Mastro to be honest with you. I do give it the college try but their prices are simply too good for me. I click $2,000, I blink and it's at $3,800. I still get their catalog when it comes out. I believe as long as you bid on items, you will receive their catalogs in the future.

I'm very impressed with Huggins and Scott and over time, their catalogs will grow in size and will eventually be a force to be reckon' wit like REA. Today I spent the day outside (sunny) with my H&S catalog and a yellow pad marking down items I desire and will chase after.


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