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Old 07-01-2005, 12:53 PM
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Default Let the debate continue--Greatest Season Performance

Posted By: jay behrens

Glenn, it's not the stats that we abhor. It's the fact that many SABRites and stats heads have distilled baseball analysis to OPS, WinShares or whatever they feel is the "perfect" stats, and then insist on beating us over the head with it.

I know all about proper statisitcal analysis, etc and all this minutia has sucked the joy out of debating who is the best. OPS, Win Shares, RC and everything is just another tool to help your case. It's NOT the definative answer to question as so many seem to think. Until you measure what effect likes of Cobb, Raines, Henderson, etc on the game when they reached base and other intangibles, there will never be a perfect stats, only more ways to look at the same thing without coming up with a definative answer.


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