Thread: Anonymity
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Old 03-01-2004, 11:35 AM
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Default Anonymity

Posted By: jay behrens

We aren't looking for a detailed personal history, just who you are. All someone has to act like they are at a 12 step meeeting and say "Hi! My name is ..... and I am a vintge card junkie"

I am just as protective of personal info as anyone else when it comes to the internet and have been using it longer than probably anyone else here. I first started using it in 1988, long before there were any pretty pictures and you were a god if you had a 4.8k modem.

After going thru bankrutcy recently, I found out just how good my precautions are at hiding myself form probing eyes. I needed to have a credit report as part of the filing. The only problem was, that there was nothing there because I've lived on cash for 12 years and have no credit cards, just a debit card which does not get reported to credit agencies. I also tended to work jobs that paid cash under the table and all my bills, phone, rent, etc were in other people's names. My lawyer also tried to do an internet search on me the most recent personal info he could come up with was my house I owned in Sacramento 12 yers ago.

If you want to hide yourself on the internet, the single best thing you can do is set up a Yahoo account and give out that addy for sites that require an email addy to sign up. Then check back every few days and empty the spam box. I can't let it go more than 3 days without maxing out my account. I get 500-700 pieces of spam every day.

As I mentioned in another post. The criminals you need to worry about are the ones that actually live near you, not the ones on the internet. The only internet ones that you really need to fear are thet ones that are looking to steal your SSN and things neeeded for identity theft.


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