Thread: time to delete
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Old 08-05-2002, 04:40 PM
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Default time to delete

Posted By: Dr.Koos yourself, who choose to enter attack mode through a safe distance from behind the security of their monitor. This distance, imparts one with a sense of untouchability, inaccountablilty, and omnipotence (or is it in YOUR case..impotence??) as you arrange your "all work and no play make Jack a dull boy" sentences into geometrically uncreative paragraphs. What you fail to see, is that for all your posturing, postulating and pontificating, even though you do so on unsubstantiated beliefs, you're NOTHING (NO THING) without the presence of the MAN, willing to BACK up the intent behind your words. If you wish to stick your pencil neck out from behind RunScott and Brueso (who have earned a small measure of my respect for showing they can take an occassional jab while ineffectively attempting to hammer away at an immovable object) and take a few "pot-shots" yourself, that's one thing..but NOW? Now that all of the heavy artillery has been deployed...NOW, you want to get a few pokes in and attempt rattling my cage while the troops are assessing damages? You're the biggest coward of them all. The Grand Dragon of WIMPS. Where were ya' when the missiles were flying. Now that it's OVER, and we're down to the Cracker Balls and sparklers...NOW you want to "mix it up"?? Don't strain yourself Jay. The next time you get the urge to post this sort of nonsensical prattling, REST...until the urge dissipates. You'll thank yourself later on.

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