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Old 05-09-2024, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
I know you are not actually illiterate. You did not accuse him of using a false name elsewhere, you explicitly say “here.” You also use the quotes to accuse his name here on Net54 as being the false alias. Your question presupposes the use of a false name “here”, asking why somebody doesn’t post their real name is saying they are using a false name. You are so bad at lying - if you are going to be a piece of shit liar do it in ways that are not easy to catch or be asked to show the evidence for your wild claims. You just get mad and then make some wild claims that are blatantly false and then try to deny the transcript that anyone can read and see you are lying yet again.

Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
By the way, "Chase Antley", why don't you post your real name here? Got something to hide
Let's cut the bullshit.

I said, "By the way, "Chase Antley", why don't you post your real name here? Got something to hide?"

I continue to believe that he uses a different name elsewhere. I'd even wager money on it. Note that people use different names in different areas of their lives all the time. When I was told I had to put my name in my profile to talk about other people or companies on this forum, I used the name that I go by most. My friends and family all call me "TJ". Then for some reason, Leon later added "Travis" to my profile. Lots of people go by their middle names or nicknames in one setting and their first names in another. The entire point of us all having to post our names when we discuss people and companies is so that we know who, in real life, is behind any statements or accusations being made here. I believe that Lorewalker uses a different name here than the one he uses elsewhere, or in his professional life because he wishes to skirt around the rules so that he doesn't have to be held responsible for what he says here in his real life. Does he have an ID that has the names "Chase" and "Antley" on it? Sure, he very well might. Could I be wrong in my accusation that I think he uses a different name in the "real world"? Sure, I could. But none of that would matter with respect to the bullshit you keep spewing. It's still quite different from what YOU continue to claim over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over throughout this forum that I "lied" about Lorewalker and made an explicit claim that Lorewalker is in fact lying about his identity. I don't think he goes by "Chase Antley" in the "real world". Define those however you want. I may be right or I may be wrong, but I have good reasons for believing it and I'm entitled to my opinions.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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