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Old 04-14-2024, 07:37 PM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Oakland, CA
Posts: 1,511

Very strange situation that leaves with a 10:1 ratio of questions to answers...and sort of an odd guy or at least the interview was odd. If he paid the 3 million why has he not paid the balance and let HA know to hang on to the case until he can find it a new home?

He is willing to give it away to some chick who he knew at 7 who was his soulmate? It sounded like he has not had contact with her since he was 7...and the people he reached out to??? WTF!

If he is the only beneficiary of his uncle's estate and has 200 million in assets, if he keeps spending 4 million on each thing he knows nothing about and has no interest in, he will be broke very quickly.
( h @ $ e A n + l e y
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