Thread: O.J. Simpson
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Old 04-14-2024, 01:50 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Asking OJ to try on the gloves has to be one of the worst courtroom moves in history.
Seriously, how did that seem like a good idea to the prosecution?

We all know he did it and some of the jurors have openly admitted they let him off for being black, but the prosecution did so bad that I don't see how a jury could actually vote to convict. If the detective who found the key blood evidence after it was missed several times is on the stand and is asked if he planted the key evidence and pleads the fifth, how can you convict? They created so much reasonable doubt that I'd probably have had to swallow the bile and say 'not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt'. His behavior after the case feels more incriminating than the actual heavily damaged evidence. The invented Charlie persona and 'hypothetical' interview and book really seals the deal.
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