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Old 04-06-2024, 03:03 PM
Keith H. Thompson Keith H. Thompson is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 107
Default I have been to over 30 different major league ball parks

and many of them used to announce "fan ground rules" before the game. This usually included something like "balls hit into the stands are the property of the fan." I was at a game at Yankee Stadium when a player lost his grip on a swing and the bat sailed into the stands. Later, I was downstairs at customer service when the fan brought the bat in and successfully traded it for some quality items. I think the player was David Ortiz. Balls sure to be big ticket items like Alex Rodriguez's 3000 hit are no different. Remember Zach Hample? I think he gave the ball back because of the adverse publicity, but he was remunerated in other ways. The Yankees didn't "demand" it back, they negotiated. But on the ownership side, whenever it looks like a home run might be an item for the stadium showcase, the balls receive a special hologram, and special security guards appear in likely locations to compete for the ball.
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