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Old 04-06-2024, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
When I said it back at the beginning of March I was just making a prediction based on what I know about how ebay operates and where their interests lie. I know a lot of people at ebay, some high up, but I haven't spoken to any of them about it, and even if I tried, they wouldn't be stupid enough to tell me anything.
Stop Travis...this is absurd. I know 2 massive sellers on eBay who have no idea how ebay operates nor where there interests lie and they are doing tens of millions a year on the site.

PWCC is a better fit for eBay than Goldin and as you told us PWCC was booted not due to shill bidding but because they had their own platform...the same platform that Goldin has because he was in direct competition with PWCC.

Next, Nat has been trying to get rid of Goldin for quite sometime and rumors have swirled for at least a year.
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