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Old 03-27-2024, 12:19 PM
bk400 bk400 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2023
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 349

Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
I have no doubt women will crack into the mens leagues of the major sports over the next 20 years. It won't be because they can perform at that level, but because it is a part of the ideology that comes before physiology, human biology, and meritocratic rosters.

This PC delusion that women can do the same physical things as men to the same level, and it's more extreme form that has taken hold in several states that one cannot even define what a woman is in any terms besides a circular appeal to self-authority is absolutely crazy, but that's ideology. Conclusions writ by social or political need rarely make any sense.
I am an optimist and therefore disagree with you. We're already seeing backlash against men who converted to women (I still can't figure out if this is called a trans man or a trans woman, so whatever) competing as woman in swimming. No one wants to see altered men in skirts playing tennis against natural women. It's weird. And sponsors and advertisers will make that view known behind closed doors.

Last edited by bk400; 03-27-2024 at 12:20 PM.
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